The Village of Westfield Center seeks public comments for the Greenwich Road Embankment Remediation and Sidewalk replacement project, beginning 150 ft. East of Hillcrest Dr. and continuing along the South side of Greenwich approximately 660ft. Temporary easements will need to be acquired for the project.
The detour for eastbound Greenwich traffic is as follows:
Turn south on Leroy Rd., continue toward Seville Rd. , turn east on Seville Rd., continue to
Daniels Rd. Turn north and continue toward Greenwich Rd.
Construction is anticipated to begin July 2026, and last approximately 60 days .
Written comments about the proposed project may be mailed to Dave Pitsenbarger PO Box 750 Westfield Center, Ohio 44251. You can also contact the Village Superintendent by phone at 330-887-5025 or by email Superintendent